Five editions of EOR Workshop have been organized by IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison (France), since December 2013.

17 - 19 June 2019 - 4th edition
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Program Committee
Rifaat Al-Mjeni (PDO, Oman)
Jean-François Argillier (IFP Energies nouvelles, France)
Aleksey V. Bondarenko (Lukoil, Russia)
Eric Delamaide (IFP Technologies, Canada)
Alhasan Fuseni (Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia)
Heron Gachuz Muro (Pemex, Mexico)
Carmen Hinds (Ecopetrol, Colombia)
Maria Alejandra Hryc (Pluspetrol, Argentina)
Amitabh Pandey (Cairn Oil & Gas, Vedanta Limited, India)
Sara Scagliotti (ENI, Italy)
Dag Standnes (Equinor, Norway)
Sophany Thach (Chevron, USA)

10 - 12 May 2017 - 3th edition
Download the program (PDF - 59Ko)

Program Committee
Nasser Al-Azri (PDO, Oman)
Ali M AlSumaiti (The Petroleum Institute Abu Dhabi, UEA)
Harry Frampton (BP, UK)
Nestor Hernandez (Bankers Petroleum, Canada)
Dawood Kamal (KOC, Kuwait)
Franco Masserano (ENI, Italy)
Danielle Morel (Total, France)
Dag Chun Standnes (Statoil, Norway)
Juan Juri (YPF, Argentina)

9 - 11 June 2015 - 2nd edition
Download the program (PDF - 67Ko)

Program Committee
Bader Al-Matar (KOC, Kuwait)
Torsten Clemens (OMV, Austria)
Marc Durandeau (Petroleum Institute, UEA)
Claudio Furtado (Petrobras Cempes, Brazil)
José Guitian (Repsol, Spain)
Dawood Kamal (KOC, Kuwait)
Emmanuel Manceau (IFPEN, France)
Danielle Morel (Total, France)
Nabil Naili (Sonatrach, Algeria)
Fernando Rodriguez de la Garza (Pemex, Mexico)
Marco Rotondi (ENI, Italy)
Knut Uleberg (Statoil, Norway)
Organizing Committee
Christine Dalmazzone (IFPEN, France)
David Rousseau (IFPEN, France)

27 - 29 May 2013 - 1st edition
Download the chemical EOR workshop key success factors (PDF - 403Ko)